Sunday, April 14, 2019


GLOBAL WARMING ..BORING SUBJECT...REAL CAUSE..what can we do? read ad be surprised.

There is an ongoing argument what causes Global Warming and everyone has their view, well here are the real facts and some things to think about.  Before I go into why we have Global warming think about this.  The Politicians and academics and "experts" say the way to stop global warming is to make all motor vehicles electric and stop the carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide (greenhouse gases) from entering the atmosphere.  Bullshit.   Petrol and diesel as a fuel for cars produces carbon monoxide gas.  So what does electric car produce.  Answer:  An electric car has a battery that provides the power for the electric motor.   So where does the electricity come from to charge your battery for your electric car. In Australia and 90% of most countries the electricity used to charge your battery comes from coal fired power stations.  Stats on Coal.  A typical 600 Megawatt Power station generates Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxide, 170 lbs of Mercury (1/70th of a tablespoon of Mercury into a 25 acre lake makes the fish unsafe to eat), 114 pounds of Lead, 720 tonnes of Carbon Monoxide, 225 tonnes of Arsenic into the atmosphere every 12 months.  So much for electric cars not contributing to the Greenhouse gases.  1 Cow (one that goes moo) produces up to 400 litres of Methane gas per day. 1 tonne of Methane Gas contains 23 times more greenhouse gas than Carbon Dioxide.  There are currently 1.5 Billion cows on the planet at this moment. The Methane gas from cows,   (Agriculture) produces 14% of the worlds greenhouse gases. The U.S. Food and Administration believes that by 2030 this will increase by 60%. In NZ the cattle and the sheep are responsible for 34% of the Greenhouse gases.  1 Cow produces the same amount of Greenhouse gas a a car. So thats just shot the argument for Electric Cars to save the world.

NEXT.:   There have been 5 Ice Ages over the past 2.1 Billion years with the last ice age 2.4 million years ago and lasted until 11,500 years ago.  The Ice in places was up to 12,000ft deep. (380m).

If there were no coal fired power stations and no cars on the road, " how did the ice ages finish.????" What caused the greenhouse gases that melted the ice?  This usually stops the "experts in their tracks" and the theory that the coal and the cars are increasing global warming.  There were o cars and coal fired power stations 11,500 years ago.

So what is the "experts" theory how the ice and glaciers melted.

The theory and their answer is: Global warming previously, which melted the ice and glaciers and ended the ice ages was caused by Greenhouse gases caused  by the release of Carbon Dioxide caused by the movement of Tectonic Plates that created large scale changes to the continental masses which impacted the oceans and the atmosphere currents and triggered Volcanic activity.   The volcanic activity was responsible for the greenhouse gases that triggered the global warming and melted the ice and glaciers.

So is there Global Warming?:  It is obvious that the globe will get warmer, There are more people, more cattle and agriculture, coal fired power stations and cars.  Is the Global warming any different than it has been for the last 2.1 Billion years. Probably NO.   The glaciers are melting, just like they have for 5 Ice ages with the last being finished 11,500 years ago. They are melting just like they have 5 times before.   The NZ Glaciers are not melting anywhere as quick as the Northern Hemisphere so obviously living in the Southern Hemisphere has its pluses.

The more agriculture Cows and Sheep and horses and pigs etc then the more Greenhouse gases are going to be produced.  How to stop the Greenhouse gas caused by man???  Can we do it?...EASY.  Nuclear Energy. But the Greenies dont want it. Have you ever noticed all the Greenies who are mostly vegetarians say "Save the animals and the Plant, and they all wear leather jackets and leather belts and leather sandles. The uniform for a greenie is everything leather, from the animals they want to protect. You have to laugh.  They don't want greenhouse gas, but they all want electricity and they dont want nuclear power.     So what is the answer:  The answer, well there is only one answer: Nuclear Power.  The Wind and the Sun can only generate a small portion of electricity in an ever growing wall.   The Coal and the Oil wont last forever, eventually everything will be electric and everything will be powered by Nuclear Energy. Thats as sure as taxes and dying.  This is the third thing that yoiu can guarantee.

If the last 5 ice ages have all melted by nature, then mans little play with coal and electricity and cars can only add a tiny contribution to the problem.  The world is going to heat up and cool just like it has for the past 2,1 Billion years and the only person that has the final say is NATURE.  Nature and the movement in tectonic plates can generate the volcanic activity anytime it wants, so it wont matter what people want. At the end of the day Nature is going to rule, so enjoy the electricity no matter how you get it, because one day it will be gone and you wont be here to worry about it. We today are a mere dot on the essence of time.   Dont worry, just be happy.   What is life:??? Be has happy as you can for as long as you can..