Saturday, October 6, 2018


The big question that the public would love to ask politicians is: Why does China export to the world and their products not subject to import tax (tariffs).   Australia's worst Prime Minister ever Malcolm Turnbull called the trade between China and Australia as "A FREED TRADE ZONE", A LEVEL PAYING FIELD".   This galagh was the Prime Minister of Australia or should I say the mouth piece for the real Prime Minister, his wife,  Lucy.  I think everyone knows Malcolm is really a light weight and never really had a grip on wanting to help the average aussie, but was all about being famous. E evryone really knows that but its just one of those taboo things that the gutless journo's just refrain from saying.  OK back to the real story:

All products imported into Australia from China are tariff free No Tax Payable in Australia.
Products exported into China from Australia:
Wine: China import duty 50% on Australian Wine,  Cosmetics into China from Australia 50%, real Honey exported into China 25%. I could go on and on but this is what Malcolm called the level playing field?   I mean how can a Prime Minister say its a level playing field when we don't charge import tariffs from Chinese goods but Australia products into China are massive?

Well Here comes Trump:  China the USA is going to introduce the level playing field.  Tariffs on Chinese Steel, tariffs on Aluminum, tariffs on everything imported into America from China.  The result: USA booming in manufacturing add the incentives, tax deductions on new plant and manufacturing equipment and Boom the USA is back.

Australia is the 60's and before had 300 Woolen Mills and the largest grower of Marino Wool.  Today we are still the largest grower of Marino Wool and have ONE (1) Woolen Mill operating in Australia.

We sell Steel to China for $US60 per tonne and our Coking Coal to make steel for $US120 tonne. We export it to China who has the cheapest electricity in the world using our thermal coal. THEN WHAT:  We the Australians import the steel back into Australia (duty free, tariff free and tax free) at $US3,000 per tonne.  This is true not made up.  

More to come on this one