Saturday, August 12, 2017

BY CLOSING OUR COAL FIRED POWER STATIONS?   I predict $1.00 Kwh by 2025.
The average power bill in an Australian family home at the current rate of power rating increases by 2025 will be $8,500 per month.  Forget air conditioners and heaters, forget hot water systems, forget trying to charge your "electric car" they will be a luxury.  You will be able to afford a little TV a couple of lights and a gas stove. Sound frightening?. You better believe it, its coming, like the sun will rise tomorrow.

I started out  investigating, why, we have such high electricity prices to the extreme effect that running your own generator on diesel may be cheaper than buying off the  state power grids.  I will in this Blog do the numbers.

The Green party of Australia do not want to have Coal Fired Power Stations in Australia. We all know, Coal is the cheapest form of energy source to make electricity. (we use it to heat the water to make steam which drives the turbines to make electricity) The Greens have been forcing the closure of the power stations and the banning of mining coal in Australia through various means and media events and rallies from unsuspecting and dumb Australians who just want to have a rally without really knowing the consequences. Its not  driven by common sense its all driven by politics and vacant minds with nothing else to do. After the rallies of closing coal fired power stations, their next rally will be "power and electricity prices too high" This is the way of the 21st century. The left hand not knowing or looking lon enough into the future to see what the right hand is going to do next.

Question: where does the smoke with the pollution go when coal burns?  Answer: into the atmosphere.

Greens are happy to let the Chinese buy the Aussie Coal to make cheap electricity and send the smoke and pollution into the atmosphere.  Maybe they dont realise China and Australia live on the same planet with the same atmosphere.  If its OK for the Chinese to do it and make cheap electricity and put the smoke into the atmosphere then why cant we in Australia do the same thing. 90% of the dangerous pollutants  in the smoke from burning the coal are taken out before being released into the atmosphere in Australia, but in China there are no restrictions or carbon, CO2 emissions, being sent into the atmosphere and no filters or technology to reduce the carbon effect in China. The Chinese are happy to live with the pollution instead of spending money to reduce the pollution.

So by sending Coal  to China is OK for the greenies, so they can assist China  polluting the planet and get cheap electricity whilst we in Australia just pay higher prices and approve of China using our Coal pollute the planet. Three (3) million people a year die from pollution in China every year. "World Health Organisations data".  That's the same as the whole population of Queensland dying each year.  The pollution comes from varying places, Coal only being a small contributor. Most comes form the millions of cars, tractors,  machinery, metal and mineral smelting and steel works.

We have the greatest reserves of coal in the world apart from China.  They want to burn our coal before using their own.  Here are some facts;

China released into the Atmosphere between 2003 and 2013... 10 Billion metric tonnes of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

China released just in 2015 alone,  20,864 Million tonnes of Sulphur Dioxides into the atmosphere.
Deaths per 100,000 from Pollution in China is 76 persons per 100,000 persons per year.
The USA is 12 persons per 100,000 persons per year dying from air pollution.

Now the biggest polluter in the world, the Chinese have joined the Paris accord for Climate change for the reduction of Co2 and pollution emissions and all the world health organisations are clapping about the great event. (what a fucking joke).

The USA understands that with China emitting millions of tonnes per year of pollution into the atmosphere,  They say "what the hell is the point of staying in the Paris accord". China is going to kill the world all by itself. Why would the Paris Accord, the "world police" on global pollution be clapping at the worlds greatest polluter joing their accord?. This is called politics.

 By Australia selling China, the Australian coal and China, not using any technology, to reduce the pollution emissions, we have the Greens saying, "what a great deal it is to have us pay $0.58c per kilowatt hour for power in South Australia" whilst China pays 1/10th of that. Australian Coal, Coking Coal for the China smelters and our thermal coal to drive the hungry power stations.   Its just a question of time before China uses the entire Coal reserves in Australia. When that happens, the cost of electricity in Australia will be 40% of the annual wage of wage earners in Australia.  Whislt we will only have limited power, China will then switch to their own Coal which is not exported and continue the pollution. We in Australia wont even be able to afford the air conditioning or the filters to filter out the pollution.  Are our political leaders SO DUMB.?  The answer is YES.

What would you rather have?  Australian technology that reduces the pollution at our Coal fired power stations and produces cheap electricity with little or no pollution for the next 200 years, OR sell it to China to pollute the world and supply them with cheap energy,  Its only a matter of time before we run out of coal, if the current situation stays the same.

Dopey Malcolm Turnbull has finally worked out the Gas being sold overseas is leaving very little or none for the Aussie and "limpley" done next to nothing about it,  so what about the Coal Malcolm?? The big move to wind energy wont work, we will have thousands of wind towers in Australia, but no one has worked out how often they have to be replaced. Every 4 years they have to be rebuilt.   Who is going to rebuild them. Lucky to find an Aussie who will lift a spanner these days.

Have you ever watched Malcolm Turnbull walk lately.  How now walks with his left hand in his pants pocket and walks like he has a swollen testicle on his right side. I wonder why?

Turnbull is going to be remembered like the former Queensland Premier Peter Beatty, the guy who did nothing the who time he was in politics. So far Malcolm has no legacy.  Turnbull appears to be the "flake" we all thought he was.  He is proving it now.  Gay marriage appears to be more important than the well being of  all Australians.