Saturday, March 4, 2017


We all know that the "protector" of the free world is the USA.   If it wasn't for America, we here in Australia would all be using chopsticks now instead of knives and forks and saying "Con Itchti Wa" instead of  " Hello" I think we all get that.   So whats changed?

A few years back "before the word "BUSH" become an internationally known family, the world lived in a relatively peaceful existence since world war 2."   The Middle East was stable, even though ruled with the Gun, which as it turned out was the only way it could remain peaceful.   So what changed?  History tells us that it is not a country or a natural element that changes the course of history but in most cases "A MAN".     Whether it be a God, or a Roman Emperor or a Chinese philosopher or a man that invented the atom bomb or the man that invented the flying machine or the telephone or electricity or the motor vehicle to name a few. IT IS ALWAYS A MAN.

In the case of the 20th Century a man named Bush became the president of the USA (America), and decades on we are all living with his and his family legacy.   Saddam Hussein was the charismatic and ' so called, violent dictator" of Iraq, but it was peaceful, no one can argue with that.  Bush was intent, now matter what, on ending Saddam's  regime and set about the destruction of Iraq, he failed to complete the task but his son, Bush Jnr, promised Dad he would finish the job.  This was the start of the jihadist revolution and the demise of world peace,  as we knew it. We all now know how that finished up.  Then the  new Black U.S. President, Obama, came along and decided he would show how removing a dictator should be done and decided he would unseat the President of the
another  peaceful Muslim County, for no real reason.   There has never really been a real reason.  Mr Gaddafi sitting in his tent in his native country of Libya minding his own business suddenly felt rockets landing beside him, that were being launched from offshore USA ships.  In addition to this the USA "in their wisdom" armed neighboring jihadists to enter and destroy Libya, which eventually they did.   The U.S. then prevented Mr Gaddafi from fighting back by grounding all of his fighter aircraft so he and his country were left defenseless and he and his country, eventually decapitated


Now look at the recent elections in the USA. A president named Trump, is democratically elected.    Riots, marches, protests against the Government, calls for impeachment, opposition Democrats trying to bring the democratically government down.The "free Press" in particular CNN and the "non bias" haha, New York Times, doing nothing else on their channels and print, but stream negativity non stop 24 hours a day. At a Hong Kong 5 Star Hotel i recently stayed at they turned off the CNN channel and left the rest of the Foxtel going. They were sick of complaints from people staying at the 5 start Hotel of the CNN bias with no other news being streamed. It was so one sided it made people pewk.

Is this the DEMOCRATIC AMERICA?.  America preaches Democracy to the whole world and starts wars and destruction to achieve it and in their own COUNTRY they don't accept it. WTF?

There is no question that the press whether CNN  (CLINTON NEWS NETWORK) or the New York Post together with the opposition Democrats the USA is on the road to self destruction.    The USA is going to tear itself apart.IT SEEMS ONLY THE REST OF THE WORLD CAN SEE IT. Unless there are some changes and quick.changes it will become irreparable.  I think that its only a matter of time that someone will enter CNN and or the New York Times and show them what they think.

It seems that the U.S is no more Democratic that the places it starts wars in to "replace dictators"
