Wednesday, August 10, 2016


This story is going to be interesting to investors and why Aussies should stay away from ASX listed Companies that have Chinese shareholders as major shareholders.  I cringed when I read the Annual Report of an ASX Listed Company named GLOBE METALS AND MINING NL.

I thought I had seen everything but this is proof that the China Syndrome, of Chinese run (puppet managed) investing in Australian Companies has arrived. We all know that the China Stock Markets are manipulated and corrupt. This is nothing new and well documented and the rate of executives on corruptions charges is testament to that theory. I wont dwell on that but these statistics are frightening and shows lack of fortitude, ability and reasoning for a Company to be operated under the noses of our regulators. This is a Company on paper but does not exist in the real sense of a Company. Why is it living.? How can an Aussie Managing Director hold his hand out for $A7,400 a week of shareholders money, for doing nothing?   (and 4,000,000 options to boot.)
Total work done in 2 years: a Lab test on a sample in China and 17 trenches dug in Malawi. Thats it?

Announcements for the Year: 25 Announcements in all:

Twenty Two (22) of the Announcements were Statutory.Quarterly's/half years/general meetings etc.
One (1)  Announcement that was not Statutory:  11th December 2015:  Strategic Review: (see below)
Three (3) Announcements:

21st October 2014:       Kanyica Nb2O Project Africa carried out in Laboratory in Guangzhou China.                                       No further updates or reports since.
9th October 2014:        Chiziro Graphite Project Malawi. Dug 17 trenches and had assayed.
24th November 2014:  Extended the original trenches. Got more assays. Nothing since.  That is the                                          extent of the exploration since and during 2014. Everything else is just Statutory Announcements.
I thought there was a regulation in the ASX that cash boxes could not be listed on the ASX. This Company is the real definition of a CASH BOX.

GBE: Strategic Review:   

 Announcement: 11th December 2015 (3 paragraphs with Paragraph 1 and 3 the same)

Para 1:  "Look for Global Investments outside the Mining and Metals Industry"
Para 2.  "Company clearly establish and prioritise the areas in which its resources to be utilised to maximise return to shareholders."
Para 3.  "Look for Global Investments outside the Mining and Metals Industry. (same as para 1)"

GREAT STRATEGY:   means: Sit on our hands and do nothing.

So what did they do for the quarter: Nothing.  For the Year:  Nothing (paid Directors and staff)

CEO Annual Salary: $385,000 PA Plus 4,000,000 options.   HOLDS NO SHARES IN THE COMPANY

DEPUTY CEO Salary: $360,000 PA plus  2,000,000 options Holds 76,962 shares in Company

Total Remuneration for Board for Year:  $992,968

Projects:   Couple of  "has been" no value Projects worth Zip in three African Countries.

Total Expenditure on Exploration and Evaluation for the Year:      $712,000  (how 1 sample tested in Guangzhou and 17 trenches dug and assayed.

Total Admin for the Year:............................................................$2,375,000

Here are the Major Quotes from the Annual Report....

"During the year, cash management, cost reductions and efforts to streamline operations"  (then they credit their abilities)..(CONSIDERING THEY DONT HAVE ANY OPERATIONS)..."The Company's decision to undertake capital raising last year demonstrated good judgement to ensure long term survival" unquote.....(LONG TERM SURVIVAL FOR THE DIRECTORS NOT THE SHAREHOLDERS)   
The Company has no operations except some graphite exploration ground in the middle of Africa and spent nothing on trying to make a go of it.  Board Decision:   Concentrate on long term survival.

Tell me what CEO gets paid $385,000 a year, plus 4 million Options, has nothing going for it. no work to do except manage the cash and raise money, "if it looks like we are not going to survive".

This is an Australia Mining Company!!!!! NO ITS NOT!     ITS A CHINESE RUN AUSTRALIAN MINING COMPANY with Puppets at the top;   Yes it gets worse.


APOLLO Metals Investment Co Ltd                245,983,611  shares  52.37%    BVI (Chinese)
AO-ZHONG International Minerals Pty Ltd    118,143,632  shares  25.15%    AO ZHONG sounds Chinese to me.                                                 Total:                          77,52%    Well done

Anyway, as you can see the Chinese way of listed Companies has arrived. This is slowly becoming the norm.   Raise the cash, protect the cash, manage the cash, ensure long term survival. Is this what it has come down to.  How can a company be listed on the ASX. Oh Yeah the latest strategy::
Looking at possible trading opportunities between China and Australia.  It appears through their detailed investigations and probing that they have "come to the conclusion that there maybe an opportunity in trading between both Countries...WELL DONE FOR PICKING THAT.


Thursday, August 4, 2016


Coming Soon:  The Trump effect.  Why?. I predict that Trump will Win easily the US Presidential Election. I will post 800 days after he is elected to see how he has done.  I predict he will make Global Politicians look like they are standing still. Just like Obama. Just held the reins for 8 years and kept the US in a time warp.