Thursday, April 28, 2016



What you are about to read is all true.  You really have to wonder about the selection of people we have managing the economy and the country and in the end our lives.  Another fool we had as a Prime Minister Malcolm (no undies) Fraser.  When I ask why we end up with fools at the helms the question is WHY?. There is only one answer:  Y is a crooked letter and it cant be straightened.

Absorb and suck this up and tell me if your blood pressure doesnt rise and make you feeled ashamed that we are all to blame for the current position Australia is in. These are all real facts:

Australian Foreign Aid in 2012 $7.9B after the intervention of Joe Hockey the Foreign aid dropped to
$3.7B in 2015.   There are as at February 2016, 11,902,003 people employed in Australia. 732,000 Unemployed.  To pay for the 2015 $3.7B Foreign aid each of the employed people of Australia 11.9m of us paid $310.00 each contributed by us workers in tax. OK comprehend that and cop this. Its like a jigsaw puzzle but all comes together in the end.

The Australian car industry Ford and Holden that employees over 200,000 workers shuts in 2017.  The industry will become like the Australian woolen mill and manufacturing industry of garments DEAD and BURIED. In 1954 we had 300 Woolen Mills, why wouldn't we as we are the biggest producer of wool in the world. How many Woolen mills in Australia today?. ONE (1) Back onto the main subject, So Why?, the Australian Government subsidises motor vehicle  industry by contributing $36 billion from 1997 to 2012 or around $2.4 billion a year. The car industry's own data supports a workforce of 200,000 people.  Assume the car industry worker is paid an average of $1200 each per week and each pays income tax of $240 per week,  the Government gets back $48 million in income tax per week or $2.496 billion annually (from the 200,000 workers. So the Government actually make a profit from their investment. Can they be so dumb? yes.

So these so called smart politicians, we have are too stupid to even sit down and do the numbers. This amount of income tax paid is direct tax from the 200,000 workers in the car industry and doesnt includes  the indirect taxes that are paid on the service industry like the Companies that supply the: toilet paper, the grease and oils, the transport companies that do the deliveries, the food vans that supply the workers, the taxis that take them to work on occasions, the restaurants, the hotels and so on and so on. (not to forget the GST)

So the Government decision is to let 200,000 workers become unemployed by withdrawing the subsidy of $2.4b a year and then lose stop the subsidies to the car industry and lose $2.5b income taxes from the 200,000 workforce  and once they become unemployed pay the unemployed workers, UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS OF Circa $600 a week each. ($120m per week) or $6.2b a year.   Can anyone make sense of the idiotic decisions.   By supporting the industry by subsidising the Car Industry the Government actually reap and extra $100m in income taxes over and above their continuation to support it.   INSTEAD they want to close the industry down at the cost to the Government of a loss of $6.3b.

IMPORTANT- how does the U.S.A subsidise the car industry and make it work? SIMPLE

Does Australia really have a single Politicians who has a functional brain?  even a fish size brain could work this out.

The USA Car Industry

The U.S.A  contributes $US264 per employed persons as a subsidy for the motro Vehicle industry.   Thats about the same in A$ as every worker in Australia as to pay for our Politicians to give away as Foreign Aid $A310 per employed person. 'The USA worked out they get it all back in Taxes. Our DRONGO'S cant even work that out. FFS.

Malcolm Turnbull so far has overspent $19B as Minister for Telecommunications in overruns for the NBN rollout just so he can download a movie in 2 seconds, YET, he and his bunch of uneducated and moron fellow politicians  are not prepared to spend $1.00 on saving our last Australian major manufacturing industry.  Governments decision outcome, 200,000 families without an income?   Loss of $120m a week in income taxes. A substantial loss on our annual GDP. The Australia Car Industry contributed  $29B to the Australian GDP in 2015.

You and I have let this happen. God help the next generation. We will be leaving them nothing, the only thing the next generation will have left is what, WE LEAVE THEM, NOTHING ELSE.

We now MANUFACTURE NOTHING. We sell our Iron Ore to China for $50 a tonne and then buy it back for $2,000 a tonne. China wants a Free Trade Agreement? are you kidding.  Should never happen.I will discuss this in the next Blog. Until then have a scotch and look in the mirror and say: I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING.....Creeks make streams and streams make rivers and the rivers make the Oceans. Good Hunting. I predict TRUMP will win the USA elections and Turnbull will be ousted by December 2017.  We all know what a 'TURNCOAT IS,  just this one is TURN-BULL.

In short:
1.     Car Industry Provides 200,000 jobs in Australia
2.     The income tax paid by 200,000 (assume $240 pw =  $2,496 Billion Annually
3.     Government Subsidises the industry with $2.4 Billion Annually
4.     Government pay $3.7 Billion in Foreign aid in 2015
6.     Government will have to pay the workers $6.2 Billion in unemployment benefits (minimum)
7.     Each working taxpay 11.9m of us contributes $310 per year each in tax to support the Car                   Manufacturing Industry in Australia. (Gov Susididy $3.7b divided by 11.9m employed persons i         in Australia.
8.     USA each working taxpayer contributes $US264.00 per person to support their Car Industry and          its thriving.
9.      Australia taxpayer pays $A310.00 per year and the US taxpayer pays $US264.00c per year.
10.    So to keep our Motor Vehicle Industry in good shape and employ 200,000 people and contribute          $A29b to the GDP and probably employ another 100,000 business and people in the car                      industry support services industry the Government only has to allocate $5.96c  a week                          from tax paid by each employed worker in Australia. Then gets is back in income taxk from car          industry workers.

Numbers: Stop the Subsidy of $2.4b a year.  We lose GDP of 29b instantly annually, Government loses $2,496B in income tax annually. Government then pays $6.2B in unemployment benefits per year to the now unemployed workers.

Result: We lose the last great Manufacturing industry, we have no Australian ICON CARS, NO BATHURST 500,  (who is going to watch jags and toyota') 200,000 people extra unemployed directly plus service providers, and the tax payer has to find $6.2B extra.

To keep the industry? everyone is a winner and it makes financial sense. To close it is just plain unadulterated madness.   The problem in Australia apart from the Morons we have voted into Government is that the number of new businesses and venture capital has literally stopped. People that have wealth and brains are either putting the money in the bank or moving overseas.  The incentive has been taken away from the Public of Australia.  We are taxed to death. What country in the world would ask people to invest and any profit that is made, then have to contribute 50% of the profit to the Government. Its called Capital Gains Tax. If you lose your investment the Government doesnt want to know abut you.  Compare: Hong Kong 15% company and personal tax. No Capital Gains, No tax on Bank Interest, no tax on deals done outside HK, No GST. The government is awash with money.  Considering HK have no mining industry, no gold, no copper, no coal, no iron ore, but they do have good management of the system and low tax regime. They know that if the tax is high no one will invest. That's what has happened in Australia, THE RISK IS TOO HIGH AND THE TAX IS TOO HIGH.   The Stock Exchange in Australia is nothing more than a casino without any regulation and the worlds greatest shorting house.

The Dove